How We Score

BestPetVacuumCleaners differs from most other similar websites in that it provides pet vacuum quality assessments that are not based on the subjective opinion of a single person. Instead, the scores assigned to every pet vacuum cleaner on this website are the result of a complex, 3-phase scoring process that is designed to ensure maximum fairness, objectivity, and accuracy.

To help you fully understand how we arrive at the ratings you see on our pages and why you should trust them, we will provide a comprehensive overview of all 3 phases of our scoring process.

In the first phase, we rate pet vacuum cleaners on 5 objective criteria that are selected based on pet vacuum features that are of greatest importance to the end user. These include design, features, performance, user experience, and pricing. Separate scores are assigned on each of the criteria and a total score is calculated as the arithmetic mean of all individual scores.

In the second phase of the process, we compare pet vacuums with their top competitors. After a thorough comparative analysis, we adjust the scores to accurately reflect the differences between pet vacuums of the same type and similar characteristics.
In the third phase, we once again adjust the scores in accordance with the general opinions of the users who have tested and reviewed the pet vacuums in question. That way, we make sure that there are no major differences between our assessment and the general user opinion and thus eliminate potential bias.

The final scores are not truly final, as they may be further altered in accordance with new findings that may point to potential deteriorations in material quality and craftsmanship, price fluctuations, and changes in the quality of service provided on the part of the manufacturer or retailer.

Note: BestPetVacuumCleaners is a member of several affiliate programs. To ensure the objectivity of the ratings featured on the website, the finance team is strictly forbidden from sharing any finance-related data with the reviewing team.

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